Mrs. Leohr

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  • My name is Amy Leohr. I have a degree in Art Education from Indiana State University. I have Been teaching Art since 1999. I started my career teaching In Paris, Illinois. I started teaching at Northview High School in 2002.

    My classes prove Art is everywhere.  You are touched by Art everyday whether it is the logo on your coffee cup or a painting in a museum.  I teach different classes based on the needs of our students. Classes I am currently teaching, or could teach based on our students, are the following:

    -Visual Communications

    -Digital Design

    -Fiber arts I & II

    -Introduction to 2-D Design

    -2-D Design I-IV

    -Ceramics I & II


    I strive to make an environment where students feel safe to express themselves through their art.  I also strive to make my lessons so that all students can feel proud of what they have accomplished.