Clay City Elementary School

Dedicated to excellence in education

  •  Welcome to Clay City Elementary School. At CCE we strive for the highest level of academic achievement, as well as to establish character values within our students. The students and staff work hard every day, taking pride in being an “Eel”. The faculty and staff desire to help students reach their maximum potential both inside and outside of the classroom. The staff and students have set their expectations high. Desiring to continue to improve daily to become an even better school.

     We want to remind students that Character Counts Everyday, through our “HEART” program. 

                H – hardworking

                E – engaged

                A – accountability

                R – respectful

                T – teamwork

    Students are taught these basic character traits, as well as encouraged to display these traits in their daily life here at school and at home. 

     Thank you to all of the parents who support your child’s learning, as well as to the community for all of your support. Clay City Elementary is fortunate to be located in a community that supports our schools and students. Your involvement impacts all of us and sets a bright future for our children.

    Brent Vaught



    Newsletter January 28, 2025



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