
    Class of 2029

  • Welcome to the Guidance Department at Northview High School. 

    Our Counselors are here to provide you a bevy of options and paths regarding your future.  Whether you are bound for high academia, military service, trade schools, or other paths of learning, our goal is to help get you on the right path.  

    If you would like to talk with one of our counselors about your academic needs, please sign up in the lobby of the guidance office to see your counselor.  Or be sure to check your Guidance Canvas page for immediate access to forms and information.

    Transcript, Birth Certificate and/or Immunization Requests: www.parchment.com

    All other requests can be faxed to 812-448-2661, or emailed to hallmer@clay.k12.in.us


Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"