Clay City Jr/Sr High School

Dedicated to excellence in education

  • Clay City Jr./Sr. High School – a great place to be – part of a wonderful community!

    Clay City Eels – respectful, responsible, honest, and successful!!!

  • Regional 15 tickets are offered digitally through Eventlink or cash at the door for $10. 

  • Dear Parents and Community Supporters,


    Greetings from Clay City Jr./Sr. High School!  We have had an excellent start to the 2024-2025 school year!  I have been so pleased and proud of our students as they have had a positive attitude and have worked hard.  I have no doubt that will continue and am confident that this will be another great year! 

    It is our goal each and every year to be awarded an “A” letter grade by the Indiana Department of Education.  We ultimately strive to be a “Four Star” school in our state.  The faculty and staff are committed to providing our students with an educational experience that will prepare them for an ever-changing world.  We want the students of Clay City Jr./Sr. High School to excel in college or vocational training, thrive in the work force, or join the military with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. 

                At Clay City, we are proud to offer a curriculum that represents a vast array of educational opportunities.  Some of these opportunities include, Advanced Placement courses, Dual Credit courses, as well as APEX classes that help students earn the credits they need and desire.  Students have earned close to 500 dual credits for college and this number continues to grow. 

                In addition to a strong academic foundation, we want our students to have the attitude and work ethic that will make them successful in any future endeavor they pursue.  Being honest, responsible, respectful, and hardworking will lead to success.  These values are key and we hope that each student that passes through the halls of Clay City High School will come to value these character traits. 

                Clay City Jr./Sr. High School has earned the honor of being named a “School of Character” by the Indiana High School Athletic Association.  There is no greater recognition than to be a “School of Character”.  Whether it is in TEAMS, COB & COG, Soil Judging, FCCLA, BPA, Pep Band, or athletics the students of Clay City Jr./Sr. High School continue to represent our school and community at the highest level.  I am honored to serve as the principal and look forward to great things ahead for our school and community! 


    Michael Owens


    Clay City Jr./Sr. High School   

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