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School Lunch News


Sept Lunch


All students in CCS will now receive free breakfast and lunch.  Extras and a la carte items will be available for purchase.

Free & Reduced Meal Benefits applications are available online at This application is also used for Textbook Assistance.  Students who are not approved for free or reduced-priced meal benefits before the start of the school year will be classified as paid status and meal charges may begin to accumulate starting the first day of school.  Please remember to send lunch money with students on the first day of school or add money to your child's online account,

Due to difficulties in ordering, limited supplies and delayed deliveries, menus may need to change on a daily basis.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  All meals that are served to our students are in compliance with State & Federal Guidelines. 

Free school break food for students is available from the Clay County YMCA and Clay County Youth Food Delivery Program.  Food and snacks for weekends and breaks will be sent home on the last day of each week.  Students must sign up for this program. Forms can be picked up in the Guidance Office.