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College Go Week

Good morning juniors and seniors,


This week we are focusing on planning for life after high school. You have many options…join the workforce, military, trade school, apprenticeships, and college.

Today, I want to share with you high-demand, high-wage jobs in Indiana.


Notice that not all of these INDemand jobs require a college education. Figure out what you are passionate about and enjoy doing, and plan your future accordingly 😊

Good morning, 7th and 8th graders!


Did you know there are nearly 5,000 colleges in the United States?

How many colleges do you think are in Indiana?

A: 100

B: 275

C: 25

D: 60.


The correct answer is D! There are about 60 colleges in Indiana!

You can find a list here


Junior high students,


How does $1 million sound? Pretty good, right?


Did you know that someone with a college degree will earn about $1 million more in their lifetime, compared to someone with just a high school diploma?

It’s never too early to start planning for college. Talk to your teachers this week to learn about their college experiences.


Hello, juniors!


This week is College Application Week.  Even though it may be too soon for you to apply to college, it is not too early to figure out what to study, where to attend and how to apply to college so that you can be prepared when the time comes!



Every college is different, and not every college is for everyone. To find the right fit for you, use the Learn More Indiana School Finder tool


If you’re unsure what you want to do after graduation, take a personality quiz today at


Good morning, 10th graders!


This week is College Application Week.  Even though it may be too soon for you to apply to college, it’s not too early to think about what you want to do after high school.


Here’s a fact: 99% of all new jobs created since the great recession went to workers with at least come college. College is your ticket to success, whether you choose a bachelor’s degree, an apprenticeship program, an associate degree or a short term certificate.


Use this week to explore your career interests and find out what kind of education you need to get there.

Visit to discover career options and to think about what type of college to go to.


Hey ninth graders!


This week is College Application Week.  Even though it may be too soon for you to apply to college, it’s not too early to think about what you want to do after high school.

High school is all about figuring out your interests and making a plan.

How many of you can get to California without Google Maps? Probably not many of you! And you won’t reach your college and career goals if you don’t have a high school graduation plan.


Do you know which classes you plan to take, which diploma you’ll earn and how to complete your Graduation Pathways? These things matter when it comes to college!

Make sure you’ll be ready to apply for college. Follow this link to review the different ty[es of high school diplomas in Indiana


Discover your career, make a plan, take a personality quiz to learn what jobs might be a good fit for you




7th and 8th graders,


What do you want in life? Probably a car, food, a house, friends, family and money to make it all possible, right? It’s never too early to start planning for your future.

Because it is College Application Week for our seniors, now is a good time to think about your future as well.


The 21st Century Scholarship Program has helped thousands of Indiana students attend college by paying 100% tuition at eligible Indiana colleges/universities. YOU MUST BE SIGNED UP BY JUNE 30th OF YOUR 8th GRADE YEAR


For more information regarding 21st Century Scholars, High School Graduation Plans, Careers and Interests, and College follow this link


We will discuss diploma types and graduation Pathways later during class meetings, but we wanted you to start thinking about these things now.