- Clay Community Schools
- Science MS

Course Descriptions - Click Title to View
0460.08 Science - Grade Six
Incorporating the crosscutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices, students in grade six investigate simple models of waves and how they are reflected, absorbed, and transmitted. They will observe how analog and digital transmission are different. Students will describe biodiversity, photosynthesis, resource availability, cycling of matter, and organismal interactions in ecosystems. Students will investigate lunar cycles, scale in the solar system and gravity in the universe.
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0460.07 Science - Grade Seven
Incorporating the crosscutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices, students in grade seven apply Newton's third law, investigate what determines a change in an object's motion, determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces, investigate gravitational interactions and other forces. Students investigate how the arrangement of objects changes the amount of potential energy in the system and what relationships affect kinetic energy in a system. Students will understand that all living things are made of cells and be able to describe the structure, function, and overall interactions of cells. Students will investigate how rock strata tell the age of the planet, how geoscience processes have changed the Earth's surface, and how Earth's materials drive cycling and flow of energy. Students will learn how previous natural catastrophes inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects.
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0460.08 Science - Grade Eight
Incorporating the crosscutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices, students in grade eight will understand basic chemistry including the atomic structure of simple elements and molecules, laws of conservation of mass, and simple chemical reactions. They will also learn that synthetic materials come from natural resources and how substances react when thermal energy is provided to a system. Students will learn about reproduction in plants, genetic factors that influence the growth of organisms, and basic statistics of genetic variation. They will analyze the fossil record for organisms that have gone extinct that resemble organisms present today and investigate how humans can manipulate genetic traits. Students will also investigate the interactions of the Earth's systems, its climate, and its weather and how humans impact Earth's systems.
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