- Clay Community Schools
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The Clay Community Schools mission of education is to insure that appropriate instruction is given to all students in order that they may realize their potential to function successfully as law-abiding, contributing and participating citizens of our democratic society.
The Corporation recognizes that it is entrusted with the most precious and valuable resources of the community, its children, and pledges all means available in providing for their educational welfare. It is concerned with the dignity, integrity, rights and self-esteem of all students so that they may take advantage of all provisions of the Schools regardless of race, creed, sex, economic status, disability, or cultural background. The Corporation is additionally concerned with the total development of each child including social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and artistic development.
Children differ from each other in a wide variety of attributes, such as their talents, interests, cultural background, life experiences, abilities, and the rate at which they learn. The Corporation recognizes these individual differences and the importance of relating instruction to each student's achievement, ability, intellectual, social, emotional, physical and creative growth and development. Appropriate provisions shall be made for gifted and talented students as well as those students who experience physical, intellectual, or emotional disabilities.
The learning environment must reflect a genuine concern for students as individuals, their problems and needs, and their relationship to others. Order, structure, and discipline are necessary to a feeling of security and a successful climate of learning. This positive climate will allow the individual an optimum opportunity to develop a sense of self-confidence and motivation to learn and succeed.
The skills of reading, composition, computation and thinking are basic to the acquisition of knowledge and are of prime concern. Students shall be assisted by all means within Corporation resources to acquire these basic skills and progress as far as their talents, abilities, potential and motivation permit. It is the Corporation's intent to provide an educational program that will meet student needs and help them successfully meet the changing demands of the future. They will be encouraged to develop and apply the skills and tools that will engage them in life-long learning.
The Corporation believes that it is necessary to help equip each student for informed and understanding participation in the democratic processes through which America is governed. As members of a democratic capitalistic economic system, students should have instruction in the importance and interdependency of the various components of that system.
The Corporation believes in encouraging and demonstrating pride in our community, state, nation, and in our individual and collective endeavors so that we may always strive to do our best.