Staunton Elementary School

Dedicated to excellence in education


  • Staunton Families,

    Welcome to Staunton Elementary School.  We are excited to start the new school year and look forward to providing each child with a safe, secure, and respectful environment for learning.  Our school consists of grades K-5 with an enrollment of 346 students.  We have implemented the Positive Behavior Support program (PBIS) and encourage all students to be responsible, respectful, safe, and a learner.  The staff at Staunton Elementary is dedicated to providing each child with the highest level of instruction to promote exceptional achievement and growth.  In 2018 Staunton Elementary was named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education.

    We appreciate the active support from our parents, volunteers, and school community.


    Mr. Chuck Fry, Principal

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Staff and Students Celebrate 2018 National Blue Ribbon Award

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