- Clay Community Schools
- First Grade

Course Descriptions - Click title to expand
0452.K2 Health and Wellness - Kindergarten-Grade Two
Health and Wellness, kindergarten, grade one, and grade two provides the foundation for a lifelong journey of developing knowledge, concepts, skills, behaviors, and attitudes related to student health and well-being and is part of a planned, sequential, comprehensive health education curriculum that uses the Indiana Academic Standards for Health and Wellness to support student development of essential health skills within the ten health content areas.
In grade one, students continue to identify the role health plays in their lives and begin to practice, recognize, and explain the importance of health promoting behaviors such as identifying safe behaviors to prevent common accidents, explaining why it’s important to care for their bodies, practicing working together, and following rules. Students learn to promote good health and well-being, making clear connections to their immediate environment, health information, concepts, skills, and behaviors.
0420.01 Language Arts - Grade One
Language Arts, grade one, based on Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is integrated instruction emphasizing writing, speaking and listening in interest and age-appropriate content. Students become more independent language users and writers. Using oral language, reading, writing, art, music, movement, and drama, students respond to classic and contemporary literature. Students begin to make simple oral, multimedia presentations. Students begin to write compositions and other original works. Students begin to use Standard English in their oral and written communication. Students recite poems, rhymes, and songs, and they tell their own stories. Students listen to stories read aloud and write or draw independently for meaning.
0430.01 Mathematics - Grade One
Mathematics, grade one standards are made up of five strands: Number Sense; Computation and Algebraic Thinking; Geometry; Measurement; and Data Analysis. The skills listed in each strand indicate what students in grade one should know and be able to do in Mathematics. grade one students develop an understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20. Students develop an understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones. Students develop an understanding of linear measurement. Students reason about composing and decomposing geometric shapes and their attributes. Using the Process Standards for Mathematics in a planned and deliberate method to present the mathematics content standards will prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of the mathematics.
0480.01 Reading and Literature - Grade One
Reading and Literature, grade one, based on Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is integrated instruction emphasizing reading interest and age-appropriate content. Students develop reading competencies as they receive instruction founded on scientifically-based reading research with a focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students become more independent readers. Students recognize letter sounds (phonemic awareness), see letter patterns, and identify the basic features of words and the use of phonics. Students sound out more complex vocabulary and comprehend the meaning of those words. Students begin to read fluently, orally, and silently. Students read or listen to and then respond to classic and contemporary picture books or general fiction, folktales, poetry or songs, plays, nonfiction books (science, social studies, mathematics, and other subjects), children’s magazines or periodicals, beginner's dictionaries, and online information. Students discuss what they have read, talking about main ideas, characters, plot, and setting. Students listen to books read aloud and show an interest in or read books independently for enjoyment.
0460.01 Science - Grade One
Incorporating the crosscutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices, students in grade one will plan and conduct investigations to study properties of sound and light, design solutions to human problems by mimicking plant and animal survival, and identify patterns in behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive. Students will use observations of the sun, moon, and star system to describe predictable patterns.
0470.01 Social Studies - Grade One
Students in grade one develop thinking and decision-making skills through active participation as members of their school and neighborhood. Students learn to identify events and changes taking place in the school and local community and classify events as taking place“today,” “yesterday,” and “long ago.” Students explore geographic relationships in their immediate environment, make models and maps to show locations of familiar surroundings, and recognize maps and globes as representations of the Earth. grade one students discuss ways in which people are alike and different and how people around the world work and use resources to meet their needs. Students in grade one learn to explain why rules are needed in groups and learn how to apply rules to different group situations. Students practice citizenship skills through participation in a variety of group activities.