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- Art Club
- Bible Club
- Big Brother/Big Sister
- Book Club
- Cheerleading
- Chess Club
- Choir
- Connect Four
- Drama Club
- Drill Team/Winter Gaurd
- Excaliburs
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- French Club
- Future Farmers of America (FFA)
- German Club
- Interact Club
- Jobs for Americas Graduates (JAG)
- Key Club
- Music Appreciation
- National Honor Society
- Robotics Club
- Rotary Interact
- Science Club
- Spanish Club
- Spirit Club
- Student Council
- Supermileage Club
- Technology Club
- Varsity Club
Le Club Francais is composed of students or former students of French. We meet during club time and after school several times a year. We usually watch a movie in the French language and also make a visit or two to TimeOut to eat cajun food and have Mrs. Crooks give us instruction of the French influence on foods in Louisiana. We also listen and learn French songs.