• Message from the Principal

    Welcome to our website! It is designed so you may familiarize yourself with Meridian Elementary School and is one way of communicating a variety of topics of interest related to our school and programs. I am excited and enthusiastic about the school year and I hope that you will join us in educating your child. Meridian Elementary holds high expectations for the success of ALL of our students.

    We hope as you enter the doors at Meridian Elementary School that you find our school to be welcoming. As you walk the hallways, you will see creative student work that reflects the state standards. In our classrooms, you will find teachers and support staff working to cultivate outstanding students.

    We understand and believe that families and our staff must work together so maximum learning can occur with our students. With that said, please feel free to visit our school or your child's classroom. You are welcome to make an appointment with their teacher. Of course, I am always happy to meet with you, as well.

    We want your child to have a safe and successful school experience at Meridian Elementary filled with fun, and most importantly, learning!

    Educationally yours,

    Karen S. Phillips, Principal