NEW Transportation
Information for 2020-2021:
If you have not completed the NEW 2020-2021 TRANSPORTATION REGISTRATION process for your child, please click here:
You will be receiving and completing a transportation form from school to let us know how your child will be getting to and from school. Please be aware that students need to bring a note each time there is a change in transporation. If a student plans to go home with another student, both students need to bring a note to school. Transportation changes must be made and communicated to the school office before 1:00 p.m. each day to insure the information reaches teachers before the end of the school day.Safety is our number one priority at East Side. Several procedures are in place to make sure that your child stays safe in the car line and bus lot. It is of great importance that parents know the expectations and follow them completely for the sake of all students. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!
The car line assembles along Davis Ave. Parents pull along the sidewalk, in single file, to pick up students. Davis Avenue is a one way street so no U-turns are permitted out of the car line and neither is a turn into the Brazil Nazarene Church parking lot allowed. At no time are you able to pass cars in line in front of you. A right turn onto HWY 40 is the only permissible turn after exiting the car line as we need to keep the line moving. At no time are cars permitted in the bus lot in front of the school during drop off or pick-up. Busses are loaded in the afternoon first and as soon as they have safely departed, the car line begins.
Morning: To provide social distancing between students, one car will be unloaded at a time and students will walk down the back sidewalk into the the back door of the school, near the playground. There will be some starting and stopping, so caution will be needed as you proceed in the car line. We will keep things moving as quickly as possible with safety being the priority. DO NOT PROCEED IN THE CAR LINE UNTIL A STAFF MEMEBER GIVES YOU THE GO SIGN. PATIENCE WILL BE REQUIRED.
Afternoon: A few students are loaded at a time and then the line is permitted to move on. At no time are students allowed to be on the sidewalk when cars are moving. A stop-go sign at the beginning of the car line will let you know when you may safely proceed. For the 2020-2021 school year, students will be kept in classrooms until their name is called for the car line, so a little patience will be required, and will go a long way in assisting our staff in keeping every child safe! Thank you.
For the 2020-2021 school year, students will have an assigned seat on all busses. At East Side, busses will load one at a time and unload one at a time to provide social distancing for students. If you have questions about bus transportation, please call our transportation office at 812-442-7121.