Course Description
0500.58 Basic Skills Development - Grades Five-Eight
Basic Skills Development is a multidisciplinary course that provides students continuing opportunities to develop basic skills including: (1) reading, (2) writing, (3) listening, (4) speaking, (5) mathematical computation, (6) note-taking, (7) study and organizational skills, and (8) problem-solving skills, which are essential for high school course work achievement. Determination of the skills to be emphasized in this course is based on Indiana’s standards, individual school corporation general curriculum plans, and the student’s Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or other individualized plans. Skills selected for developmental work provide students with the ability to continue to learn in a range of different life situations. Basic Skills Development should not take the place of general education courses for students with IEPs, and whenever possible, students should be scheduled into general education classes with the opportunity to access grade-level standards.